Digimon Card Game: DIGIMON CARD GAME GIFT BOX 2023 [GB03]
Artikelnummer: DIGI.59781955_02
19,99 €
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Digimon Card Game: DIGIMON CARD GAME GIFT BOX 2023 [GB03]
Booster packs [BT14] ×4 Acrylic Sheet ×1 (4 types in total) Promotion Card ×1 (4 types in total)
BT-14: Booster Blast Ace is the 14th Booster Set released worldwide.
A new game mechanic: ACE featuring popular Digimon Adventure characters.
Four popular Digimon from the Digimon Adventure series will feature cards with the new ACE game mechanic. Players can build their deck around four Digimon ACE cards. This combination of popular Digimon characters and the new mechanic will appeal to new, returning, and current players. New characters from the brand-new Digimon Seekers multimedia project are also included!